Health Hub

Which foods contain magnesium?


Which foods contain magnesium?

Want more magnesium in your diet? Here are some of the foods that contain it, plus tips for optimising your body’s magnesium absorption.

Pain: perspectives from Chinese medicine


Pain: perspectives from Chinese medicine

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Herbal help for mild joint pain


Herbal help for mild joint pain

Your joints work hard to keep you moving every single day. If yours are feeling a bit sore, read on to discover herbs that can be taken internally and applied topically to help relieve your symptoms.

Herbs traditionally used for mild joint pain


Herbs traditionally used for mild joint pain

Got ache-y and painful joints? Look no further than curcuminoids, found in turmeric, which ease mild joint aches and pains. Plus, try something topical like white turmeric, which is traditionally applied to relieve mild joint pain in Chinese medicine.