Health Hub

Top places to go hiking in winter


Top places to go hiking in winter

Dreaming of your next adventure? Discover some of the best places in Australia to go hiking in winter and learn more about the health benefits of hitting the trails.

Exercise and your immune system – what’s the link?


Exercise and your immune system – what’s the link?

Did you know that there’s an area of scientific research dedicated to exercise and its influence on the immune system? It’s called exercise immunology and it’s been popping up with some remarkable findings.

Shining a light on vitamin D and immune health


Shining a light on vitamin D and immune health

We have great weather in Australia and spend lots of time outside enjoying it. So, you’d think that we’d be getting plenty of vitamin D from the sun, right?

12 ways to help you sleep


12 ways to help you sleep

Looking for ways to get better sleep, or struggling to fall asleep? Perhaps you drift off easily, but then toss and turn all night, waking repeatedly? We’ve got a dozen tips to help relieve sleeplessness and promote refreshing sleep.