Run down? Stressed? Consider nutrients for immunity and supplements for stress

Quick overview

  • If you’re experiencing a lot of stress in your life, you don’t have to tough it out. You can choose key herbs like ashwaganda to support your body’s response to stress. 
  • If you’re looking for additional immune support, herbs like astragalus can improve your immunity, based on traditional use in Chinese medicine.
  • Nutrients including zinc and vitamins C and D can also maintain healthy immune system function.

If you’re finding yourself feeling more run-down or stressed than usual, we’ve got you covered with key herbs and nutrients that can help support your body.


Periods of high stress can leave you feeling like you’re running on empty. This is because stressful periods demand more of the body. The nervous system attempts to maintain balance in order to keep functioning

Also, people suffering from stress may also experience issues like poor dietary habits and a more negative mindset than usual.[1] Learn more about how managing your mindset can support your immune system here

Herbs can play a supportive role when it comes to how your body responds to stress. Read on below to find out more.

Feeling run down?

If you’ve been busy you might feel a bit more run down than usual, and in need of some immune support. Aside from the basics of getting plenty of rest and eating a healthy balanced diet, there are herbs and nutrients you could consider for additional immune support - check out our list below.

Herbs for stress

Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic (Indian) herb that improves the body’s ability to adapt to stress. It’s commonly used to relieve the symptoms of stress and mild anxiety. In Ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha is traditionally used to support healthy stress responses and as a rejuvenating tonic.

To learn more about ashwagandha and why it’s become so popular, click here

Herbs for immunity

Astragalus is traditionally used in Chinese medicine for improving immunity and to reduce the frequency of common colds, while supporting the immune system’s ability to fight off illness. It also supports the body in adapting to stress, based on use in traditional Chinese medicine. 

Nutrients for immunity

Vitamin C

As you may already know, vitamin C supports healthy immune system function, but you may not know it’s also used to support vitality and normal energy production. 

Vitamin D

Our immune cells rely on adequate vitamin D levels to be able to do their job properly – so think vitamin D when it comes to maintaining the function of the immune system.[2]


This essential mineral is needed to support the healthy function of the immune system and its immune cells.[3] Read more about the health benefits of zinc here.

You can find these nutrients and herbs all together in Fusion Immunity & Stress, specifically designed to alleviate stress and support immune function.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use.

Stress might be getting the better of you, but it doesn’t have to! Managing your stress and including herbs for stress support can help. Supportive herbs and nutrients for immunity are also helpful if you’re feeling run down.


  1. Bhattacharya S. New Scientist. Last updated 2003, available from
  2. Damoiseaux J, et al. EBiomedicine 2018 31:9-10. 
  3. Prasad A. Mol Med 2008;14(5-6):353-357.
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