Cold & Flu

We all know how frustrating it feels to be stuck at home with a common cold or flu.

Discover Fusion’s range of products featuring traditional herbal medicines and key nutrients to relieve common cold symptoms and coughs.

  • Activiral

    Sore throat? Runny nose? Mild fever? Fusion ActiViral™ combines andrographis to relieve common cold and flu symptoms with vitamin C and zinc to support healthy function of the immune system.

  • Cold & Flu

    Got a sore throat or runny nose? Fusion Cold & Flu contains andrographis to relieve symptoms of the common cold and flu. Plus echinacea, traditionally used to decrease common cold duration in Western herbal medicine.

  • Cough Lung Tonic

    Cough Lung Tonic features elecampane and white horehound, which are traditionally used to relieve coughs in Western herbal medicine, including mild bronchial coughs. It also includes balloonflower, which is traditionally used to relieve coughs related to the common cold in Chinese medicine.

Featured Blogs

Find out more about ways to relieve common cold and cough symptoms with lifestyle, herbal and nutritional tips by taking a look at our resources below:

Recipes and lifestyle tips

Eat well and lead a healthy, balanced lifestyle with these recipes and tips.