
Why men, women and kids need different multivitamins


What’s the difference between men’s, women’s and kid’s multivitamins?

While it may be tempting to buy a multivitamin that the whole family can share, doing so could mean nobody ends up getting a supplement that’s tailored to their needs. Here we explain why men, women and children have different nutritional requirements and what you need to look out for when shopping for a multi.

Food and mood


Mood boosting foods: how diet can impact your mental health

Food and emotions, we know they’re linked - but it goes deeper than just simply ‘emotional eating’. Could your diet choices be causing you to feel low, moody and irritable?

Woman enjoying the benefits of spending time in nature


Mental health benefits of spending time in nature

Are you getting your recommended daily intake of nature? Adding time in nature to your list of priorities is not only much easier than you might think, but also has a ton of mental health benefits too.

Woman using phone in nature


Need a break from technology? Here’s how to do a digital detox

Do you sometimes find yourself daydreaming about the days of the flip phone? Didn’t life seem so simple when you weren’t tied to digital devices?